Behaviour, Discipline & Exclusions

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Ali Public School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, along with their protection and expects all staff and management to share this commitment.

General Policy

The principal aim of the school is to educate each child academically, personally and socially. The smooth running of the school and the capacity of the children to function effectively in society depends upon them developing good behaviour patterns. However, good behaviour is essentially a reflection of more fundamental attitudes such as honesty, kindness, politeness and consideration for others. In short:

  1. Respect for self
  2. Respect for others
  3. Respect for property
  4. Respect the law

To have the greatest effect, a discipline system needs to focus on the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere of respect rather than emphasising poor behaviour and punishments. In such an environment good behaviour will predominate and there will be less need to impose sanctions.

On the assumption that children will only learn respect if they first experience respect themselves, the onus lies with all school staff to demonstrate respect for the children by being kind, fair, firm, consistent, interested, patient and by taking time to care for them.

Management of Behaviour

The management of behaviour is the responsibility of the Principal and Headmistress and of all members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) throughout the school. Implementation of this policy will be overseen by the Departmental Heads to whom members of staff may refer for support, guidance or assistance, whilst the Head remains in overall control of all matters of behaviour.

Any serious injury resulting from a child’s behaviour, accident or injury will be notified to parents on the same day it occurs.


The first priority for all staff is to focus attention on good behaviour, which should be enhanced as much as possible by reinforcing it through:

  1. Verbal praise and encouragement
  2. An award (trophy, stickers etc.)

An award should be given for any act that demonstrates above normal thoughtfulness or consideration.

Staff is encouraged to praise good behaviour and work with the children. Progress is tracked in whole school and departmental staff meetings.


The Heads of Department will support all members of staff in dealing with poor behaviour. Children may be sent to the Head of Department first and then the Principal or Headmistress, it is preferable to exercise this option for more serious, or persistent, offences.

Responses to Poor Behaviour

We specifically prohibit the use of physical punishment. However we do have a code of conduct for staff which covers any instances where physical restraint may be required.

Initial Responses

Given a generally constructive environment, and a basically good relationship between adult and child, staff should deal with minor infringements themselves. It is important when doing so to be clear, firm and consistent. Often a simple reprimand or reminder will suffice but, if not, an escalating system tends to be the most effective.


A simple escalation system might operate as follows:

  1. State clearly what you want the child to do/not to do (Avoid arguing the point)
  2. Repeat the demand more firmly, if necessary. (Perhaps informing of a consequence to non-compliance)
  3. The consequence should be issued with a third demand.(If one has not already been given)
  4. The consequence should be carried out if the child continues to misbehave.

No further warnings should be given, as they would reduce the effectiveness of future demands. Children need to know that staff mean what they say.

Parental Involvement

Parents are approached about persistent behavioural problems at school or more serious incidents in a confidential manner. Parents may be involved in the remedial programme.

Extra Work

Extra work should only be given for poor or incomplete work, not for poor behaviour unless this has caused work not to be done properly.


When reprimanding a child it is important to focus attention directly on that particular behaviour. Derogatory comments should not be made about the child in general. Sarcasm and derision tend to be destructive rather than constructive. The aim is for the child to feel shame about the behaviour, not about themselves.

The Principal and Headmistress stands as the ultimate authority for very serious, or unresponsive, cases. Staff may refer children directly to the Principal or Headmistress, or they may be passed on by Departmental Heads should this be appropriate.


It is inevitable that there will be times when individuals behave in an undesirable manner.

Reasons for Lapses

There are three basic reasons why children fail to comply with a desired behaviour:

  1. Ignorance
  2. Forgetfulness
  3. Intent

It is important to differentiate between them, as the remedies will be different in each case:

  1. Ignorance
    The child needs to be informed that their behaviour is undesirable and also have the reason explained to them.
  2. Forgetfulness
    Children do not always learn immediately, so it may be necessary for them to be reminded occasionally of the behaviour that is required. The borderline between this reason and the next is not always clear.
  3. Intent
    When a child deliberately behaves in an undesirable manner, the aim is to modify the particular behaviour of the individual child. Whilst it is important to be fair, the remedy in these cases will depend upon several factors, all of which need to be considered:

    1. The nature and severity of the misdemeanour
    2. The age of the child
    3. The frequency of related errors
    4. The personality of the child
    5. The circumstances surrounding the incident
    6. The relationship between the staff and the child

Staff Contribution

Whilst children can, and should, be held accountable for their actions, staff should always ask themselves what, if any, was their contribution, or lack, to the situation.

Attention Seeking

Distracting behaviour sometimes stems from a desire for attention on the part of the child. In such circumstances, the poor behaviour should be dealt with firmly with as little attention as possible being given at this time. However, this should be compensated by personal attention being offered at other times, both as a matter of course and as a reward for good behaviour. It is important to set up a constructive system where good behaviour, rather than poor, receives the reward of attention.


The Principal or Headmistress may, in his/her discretion, require the parent to remove or may suspend or expel the child from the School if he/she considers that the child’s attendance, progress or behaviour (including behaviour outside school) is seriously unsatisfactory and, in the reasonable opinion of the Principal or Headmistress, the removal is in the school’s best interests or those of the child or other children.

The Principal or Headmistress may, in his/her discretion, require the parent (s) to remove/suspend or expel the pupil if the behaviour of either parent and/or the pupil, in the opinion of the Principal or Headmistress is unreasonable and affects or is likely to affect adversely the child’s or other children’s progress at the school or the well-being of school staff or to bring the school into disrepute.

Should the Principal or Headmistress exercise the above rights, parents will not be entitled to any refund or remission of fees or supplemental charges paid or due and the deposit will be forfeited. However, in such circumstances, fees in lieu of notice will not be payable and any pre-paid fees will be refundable.