To ensure the safety of students and staff and minimum interruption of the instructional program, the designee shall establish procedures, which facilitate visits during regular school days. Visits during school hours should be first arranged with the designee.
Any person who is not a student or staff member shall register immediately upon entering the school building or grounds when school is in session. No outsider shall enter or remain on school grounds during school hours without having registered with the designee.
The School encourages all individuals to assist in maintaining a safe and secure school environment by behaving in an orderly manner while on school grounds. In accordance with the policy, the designee may request that any individual, who is causing a disruption, including exhibiting volatile, hostile, aggressive, sexual or offensive behaviour, immediately leave school grounds.
For purposes of school safety and security, the designee may design a visible means of identification for visitors while on school premises. No electronic listening or recording device may be used by students or visitors in a classroom without the designee’s permission.
Unless otherwise directed by the designee, a staff member shall accompany visitors while they are on school grounds.
In order to register, a visitor shall, upon request, furnish the designee with the following information:
- His/her name, address, and occupation
- His/her age,
- His/her purpose for entering school grounds
- Proof of identity
The designee may refuse to register any visitor if he reasonably concludes that the individual’s presence or acts would disrupt the school, students, or employees; would result in damage to property; or would result in the distribution or use of a controlled substance. The designee may revoke any visitor’s registration if he has a reasonable basis for concluding that the individual’s presence on school grounds would interfere or is interfering with the peaceful conduct of school activities or would disrupt or is disrupting the school, students, or staff.
When a visitor fails to register, or when the designee denies or revokes a visitor’s registration privileges, the designee may request that the individual promptly leave school grounds.
Unacceptable Behaviour
Types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and therefore will not be tolerated.
This is not an exhaustive list but seeks to provide illustrations of unacceptable behaviour.
- Loud, raised voices or shouting, either in person or over the phone.
- Physically intimidating a member of staff or invading their own personal space [standing over or to close to them].
- The use of aggressive or impolite hand or face gestures e.g. two raised fingers.
- Threatening school staff
- Showing or holding a fist towards another person
- Writing abusive comments about a member of staff e.g. idiot
- Abusive language and swearing
- Pushing, spitting or tripping
- Hitting e.g. slapping, punching or kicking
- Racist, ageist or sexist comments
- Breaking the school’s security procedures
- Written or verbal accusatory comments
- Slanderous or libellous comments
Continuation of unacceptable behaviour will result in the designee being informed of the incident.