Extracurricular Activities

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play-ground-equipmentGood schooling is not just about studying.  Extra-curricular activities are an essential part of a well-rounded educational journey and we are proud of our offering unrivalled opportunities to our students in wide range of activities.  An APS’ student’s diary is filled with a wide array of activities, the most important of which is around team and individual sports.  The school holds competitive fixtures which take place both during and after school in sports such as football, cricket, athletics, volleyball and basketball.  Our annual sports competition is a celebration of emphasis on this important area of development.

With large playgrounds, our pupils are able to take part in team and individual sports, whilst the very young ones can enjoy playing on various slides and swings.  Students are also tested intellectually through debating as well as arts competitions

All the activities are designed to supplement school curriculum and provide additional opportunities for our students to develop skills, character, and leadership.