Friday Activities in Junior, Girls and Boys Campuses. Students did team-building games and recreational activities. They’re a super way to give students the chance to get to know one another, build trust as a community, and, best of all, have fun!
New Admissions
Ali Public School welcomes students from a broad spectrum of ability although standards and expectations are high. Our priority is to ensure that all pupils joining the school are able to benefit positively from the curriculum on offer and to enjoy academic and personal success in the future.
Core Values
Our core values are Kindness, Respect, Integrity, Selflessness, Personal Industry, Resilience, Initiative and Moral Courage.
School Rules
Our pupils respect each other as individuals, respect each other’s property and respect the School’s facilities. They are a credit to the School at all times.

Principal’s Message

Ali Public School & College believes in providing every opportunity for its pupils to embrace academic, sporting and creative excellence within an aspirational and caring environment. An environment in which happiness is the key to an individual’s success.
I am delighted to join Ali Public School and would like to take this opportunity for sharing my thoughts with the students, teachers, parents and all stakeholders of the School. Let me assure you that everyone at Ali Public School is fully committed to the cause of education. I would like each and every one of us to be the living embodiment of the School’s operating motto of Quality in Everything. Our ultimate aim is to be the foundations for enlightenment and guidance in the right path. The management and teaching faculty is steadfast in its determination to make Ali Public School the best educational institution in Peshawar. I am confident that the parents, guardians and members of wider community are just as keen in realising this vision.
Ali Public School was founded to give children of this deprived part of Peshawar the opportunity to compete on equal footing with those who find themselves in more fortunate circumstances. I am asking all students and their parents to aim for higher achievements than pure academia. We must also strive for change based on virtues, and strong character building initiatives.
I am fully mindful of the socio-economic and geo-political realities that surround us, and their impact on our lives. Let us not forget that challenges we are currently facing will only be resolved by us and we must do so by developing world class human capital capabilities that would give us a competitive edge on all fronts.
As a Principal, I assure you that I shall lead from the front. I seek your support in ensuring we preserve unity among our ranks as a strong team in order to improve the standards of discipline and deliver the best quality education in Ali Public School. I wish you all a happy academic session and ask all students to study with full devotion whilst at the same time looking to my staff in helping dreams come true.
Maj (R) Manzur Hussain Qureshi


Ali Public School was founded in 2012 as a high school set in the southern outskirts of Peshawar, on Kohat Road, and surrounded by the beautiful Masho Gaggar countryside. We offer a strong academic curriculum, broad co-curricular opportunities, excellent care and a clear sense of values. The School is now split into two sections: Girls & Junior Section and Boys & Senior Section. At the age of 3, we welcome our students in the Girls & Junior Section where boys and girls are co-educated up to age of 8. When boys reach the age of 9, in class 4, they move to the Boys & Senior Section whilst girls continue to stay in their own Section. Our pupils, both boys and girls, can now continue their education with us until completion of F.Sc. aged 18.
At Ali Public School our motto is ‘Quality in Everything’. We live by our motto in delivering quality education at the doorstep of the community we serve. Our aim is to provide the right environment for nurturing the intellectual and character building aspects of our students. We ‘mine for gold’ in each child, encouraging them to succeed on the pathway that’s right for them. Our primary focus is on developing the whole person. Creative, social, emotional and confidence developments are as important as academic achievement. Our guiding values are care, compassion, challenge, fulfillment and commitment. Our small class sizes ensure that every child is known and cared for. Many of our prospective parents say, “I want a school where my child will be happy”, and Ali Public School becomes their choice.
Pupils at the school are given best in class education and the school achieves its aim in ensuring that every child reaches their potential in all areas of school life. The school is successful in its pursuit of excellence and in preparing them for their next stage of their education.
We hope that you will visit us and feel the warmth, vibrancy and sense of purpose, which imbues our School.


Upcoming Events


Ali Public School & College @alipublicschool
Ali Public School and College new campus has been constructed to the highest standard and equipped with modern facilities; all in the pursuit of providing the best education for our students.
School Staff

Martha Jackson
Language Arts Teacher
We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.
Tom Brown
Head teacher
We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.
Lucy Allen
Geography teacher
We are delighted to welcome a number of new entrants at this stage who are integrated into the newly formed groups.

Middle Pass Certificate

Secondary School & Higher Secondary School Certificates (SSC & HSSC)
BISE Reg# 1764

Private Schools Regulatory Authority (PSRA)
PSRA Reg# 010385017612